Daily News Roundup – April 7, 2015The Legacy of Olympic Surveillance (Dig Boston) In Opposition to Boston 2024’s Olympics Bid, a Long History of Patriotic Resistance (WBUR) Evan Falchuk: Residents are Right to Be Concerned about Funding Boston Olympics (Mass Live) Boston’s 2024 Olympic Dreams, Pounded? (Fansided) International Woes: Boston in Not the Only City with Olympic Ambivalence and Opposition (WGBH) When Denver Rejected the Olympics in Favour of the Environment and Economics (Guardian)#Surveillance #Security #CivilLiberties #Militarization #Activism #EvanFalchuk #Publicmoney #Paris2024 #Hamburg2024 #Rome2024 #Denver
The Legacy of Olympic Surveillance (Dig Boston) In Opposition to Boston 2024’s Olympics Bid, a Long History of Patriotic Resistance (WBUR) Evan Falchuk: Residents are Right to Be Concerned about Funding Boston Olympics (Mass Live) Boston’s 2024 Olympic Dreams, Pounded? (Fansided) International Woes: Boston in Not the Only City with Olympic Ambivalence and Opposition (WGBH) When Denver Rejected the Olympics in Favour of the Environment and Economics (Guardian)#Surveillance #Security #CivilLiberties #Militarization #Activism #EvanFalchuk #Publicmoney #Paris2024 #Hamburg2024 #Rome2024 #Denver