Daily News Roundup - July 29, 2015: Post Mortem CTD
In Struggle for Olympic Nod, Trust Wore Thin (Boston Globe)
How Boston 2024 Understimated Its Opposition (Boston.com)
End of Boston Olympic Bid is a Blow to USOC Leadership (Chicago Tribune)
Boston Didn't Need the Olympics--Or Its Baggage (Boston Herald)
Boston 2024 Boondoggle United Opponents (Boston Herald)
Editorial: Hub's Olympic Trial Finally Over (Boston Herald)
Olympics Bid is Dead, But Brattle Report Will Live On (Boston Globe)
Mistakes, Missed Opportunties Sank Boston's Olympic Bid (Boston Globe)
No Boston Olympics Activists Are Heroes (Boston Globe)
It's Game On in the Fight for Boston's Future (Boston Herald)
What the #10PeopleonTwitter Actually Did (Bay State Examiner)