Salvatore LaMattina
District 1: Charlestown, East Boston, North End
Councilor LaMattina did not attend the City Council hearing on the Boston 2024 bid on March 6, 2015.
On April 21, 2015, Councilor LaMattina gave the following statement to No Boston 2024:
“I do have some concerns about this proposal. I am against the use of public funds and I believe that some of the venues that are being proposed to host events are not viable options. That being said, I believe that this bid should be allowed to go through the community process so that my constituents have a chance to weigh in before I make my decision. As always, my stance will be in line with whatever the community decides.”
Councilor LaMattina attended the 5/18/15 and 6/26/15 City Council hearings on the Olymic bid but did not ask any questions.
At the July 22, 2015 Council meeting, Councilor LaMattina spoke in favor of Councilor Jackson's subpoena order.

Contact Councilor LaMattina to tell him why you oppose the Boston 2024 Olympics bid.