Charles Yancey
District 4: Dorchester, Mattapan
Councilor Yancey attended the Franklin Park Coalition’s community meeting about the Olympic bid on March 5, 2015.
At the March 6, 2015, City Council hearing, Councilor Yancey said that he’s “intrigued” by the idea of a Boston Olympics and that he likes Boston 2024 Chairman John Fish as a corporate ambassador for Boston. Councilor Yancey asked how we can reap the benefits from the Olympics in advance and why we should focus on the Olympics given other unmet needs, e.g., the need for a new high school in Mattapan. He asked how Boston 2024 plans to address issues of race, gender, and income inequality.
Councilor Yancey did not respond to the JP Gazette’s request for his current position on the bid as of the publication of their piece on April 10, 2015. He did not respond to No Boston 2024’s request ten days later either.
At the City Council hearing on May 18, 2015, Councilor Yancey said that, although he had not yet taken an official position on the bid, when talking with his constituents, he finds very few who are enthusiastic. He noted that his constituents have a great deal of concern about displacement and gentrification and a fear of lack of opportunities for jobs/contracts or lack of access to venues. He asked about what Boston 2024 is doing to foster gender and racial equality and asked about the costs and impacts of the Games on past US host cities.
Councilor Yancey did not attend the June 26, 2015 City Council hearing on Olympic venues and financing.
At the July 22, 2015 City Council meeting, Councilor Yancey spoke in favor of suspending the rules and passing Councilor Jackson’s subpoena order. He noted that he has “a very romantic notion of the Olympics” but that he is not prepared to “give anyone a blank check.” He expressed concern that the focus on the Olympics is taking away from other priorities, like providing adequate facilities to Boston school children.

Contact Councilor Yancey to tell him why you oppose the Boston 2024 Olympics bid.